De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.

De La Salle Secondary School, N.T. was the third high school established by the De La Salle Brothers in Hong Kong. I spent my years of Form 1 and Form 2 at this great countryside school, which was then under the headmastership of Rev. Brother Alphonsus Breen FSC (sadly late) and was a boys-only institution. The School possessed strong British characteristics.

These two years saw my embarkment on the journey towards manhood. It was also during this time that I bought my very first law book, “Learning the Law” (11th Ed – written by Professor Glanville Williams) from Swindon Books in Kowloon. 

(Posted by Clifford To)

新界喇沙中學乃天主教喇沙修士會於香港所開辦的第三所中等教育學府。愚有幸於該校就讀中一和中二年級。其時,孤身從愛爾蘭來港的亞爾豐索修士 (已故) 為母校校長,而學校只取錄男生。在很多方面,當時的新界喇沙中學可以稱得上”非常英式”。

兩年的喇沙生活為混沌的童年畫上了句號。而愚所擁有的第一本法律書籍: “Learning the Law” (11th Ed – written by Professor Glanville Williams),實為於喇沙中學就讀期間,購入自九龍辰衝書店。
